“Triple Threat,” known more formally as “USSC Special Aggressor Training Detachment 4” of the USMC 1rst MSV Aggressor Squadron, is a 3 unit "RED FLAG " training aggressor team. They serve under the training command and when not competing are assigned to the at the MSV Weapons and Tactical School.
This team specializes in replicating the tactics of Syndicate, Space Pirate, and PLF forces at a high level and to train officers against all types of threats. The team is a 6 time champion at the USSC Deathmatch Combat Competition held annually.
The team consists of:
2nd LT Rico "Gigawatt" Torres (pilot) and 1rst LT Ann “Squall Empress” Billings (IO) in "SIZZLE" AC4 Jazz
2nd LT Amy "Divehawk" Cortez (pilot) and 1rst LT Wayne “Boa” Boaz (IO) in "VULCAN'S OMEGA" AC4 Superwarrior
2nd LT Ric "Blur" Hyde (pilot) and 1rst LT Rachel “Rocco” Fincari in "REPORTED PROBLEM" AC3 Deinonychus.
The team competes, conducts wargames, and serves as training command OPFOR under Lieutenant Colonel Maureen O’Bannon also serving as TechCommander.
This model features 3D printed parts: There are two types of 3D printed parts we use in our products. "FDM" is lower cost, and is what most would recognize as traditional 3D printing. This type of model printed in layers from thermal plastic (generally PLA or PETG), and is lightweight with reasonable detail but will have visible striation (or lines) that the hobbyist may want to clean up using putty, primer, or other hobby techniques. "SLA" is a laser cured photo-resin that has exceptional detail, and generally has a much smoother finish without significantly noticeable striation. This type of material is more expensive, and fine details can be more delicate.
Some models may use either or both types of parts, and some models may have the ability for the buyer to select the print type under print options. These models are intended to be painted and may come in different colors.